Archive | September, 2012

Turns out, I DON’T love bagels that much…

27 Sep

I’d say i’m speechless but clearly I’m not, I’m too shocked to shut up. 

When I was younger and still holding on to my baby fat I loved to have my Saturday morning, big, fluffy New Jersey bagel. (Obvi NY/NJ bagels are the best – not up for debate). I vaguely remember my mother attempting to tell me, in a nice way, that if I continue to eat bagels I will get fat. She would say, “If you eat another bagel, you will turn into one.” Up until right now I thought she was lying. 

In this video, you actually see people attempt to turn themselves into bagels. The “Bagel Head” trend is growing in Japan and I don’t know why. It is the 2 hour process of injecting about 400 CC’s of saline into the forehead and then pushing your thumb into the center so your forehead looks like a bagel. Your forehead also looks ridiculous. 
Luckily, this ridiculous “Bagel Head” only lasts until the saline gets fully absorbed into the body. All that for 17 hours of a “Bagel Head.” Call me crazy, but I would rather eat the bagel. 

‘Bagel Head’ Saline Forehead Injections: Japan’s Hot New Beauty Trend? (VIDEO).

5 reasons why planning a wedding and dieting are the same.

19 Sep
Planning a wedding and going on a diet go hand in hand. Especially since most brides to be go on wedding diets. What you might not realize is that wedding planning and diets have more in common than you thought. First you are all in – balls to the wall excited. After a while everything tapers off. Here is the time line of feelings comparing wedding planning and dieting. 
1. It’s all happening! 
Wedding: Wedding planning begins! Yay! Ultra excited!
Dieting: Operation Get Ripped officially deploys! 
2. Must look the part. New outfit = Incentive
Wedding:  Buy wedding dress 
Dieting:  Buy new workout clothes
3. Power Though – It’s totally going to be worth it.
Wedding:  Time to do invite list – I can do this, I can do this
Dieting:  I am too tired to workout – Come on fatty, just do it – I’m gonna be skinny
4. At the plateau? Getting no where?
Wedding:  Seating chart  are you fucking kidding me? You will sit at the same table and you WILL like it! – We should have eloped
Dieting:  Fuck this – haven’t lost any(more?) weight. Hello ice cream
5. Just when you thought you couldn’t give a shit anymore – today is the day!
Wedding: It really was worth it – Today is wedding day and this is FUN!
Dieting: Goal weight! (well for today)


Live from Andy Roddick’s last match

5 Sep

Andy Roddick played a good last match. Not great, but good. It was great to see him play but toward the end of today’s match you could see him struggle a bit. It almost seemed like his emotions about retirement were getting the best of him. The crowed rallied for him with standing ovations and loud cheers. Even Pippa Middelton got on her feet for him (she looked fantastic in a bright yellow dress with dark oversized sunglasses), but it was all over with his last swing.
As soon as the game ended the mic was given to Del Potro. He spoke very briefly and said it was not his time to talk it was Roddick’s as he needed to enjoy his last moment (I paraphrase, but in any event it wasn’t the best choice of words but he meant nothing by it). Roddick was obviously emotional, how could he not be? He is ending a huge chapter in his life. He thanked the fans, his parents, his coaches and family but no particular shout out to Brooklyn. I hope he doesn’t get in trouble when he gets home. I’d kick my husbands ass.
Anyway, sad to see you go Andy! We will miss you!


Bravo TV’s “Gallery Girls” – yuck.

4 Sep

Listen Bravo, now I like TV more than most people but are you kidding me with “Gallery Girls?” I have watched some horribly ridiculous, mindless, shit shows like; Jersey Shore, Laguna Beach, The City, The Hills, BIKINI BARBERSHOP, Kendra On Top, and the list goes on but this one takes the cake. 

For all of you out there who don’t know about this awful show, Gallery Girls follows very uninteresting girls around New York City while attempting to make it big in the Art industry.   I might be speaking too soon (big surprise there) but so far 5% of this show is about art. This 5% includes interning in a gallery, attempting to open a gallery (epic fail) and talking about art. The remaining 95% of the show is about boring, dudley, rich girls doing nothing. Now, if the show followed around  rich girls with a personality I would watch. 

Remember the 2003-2004 MTV show called “Rich Girls?” That show really had no point to it other than to see what Tommy Hilfiger’s daughter Ally was up to along with her rich friend  Jaime Gleicher. These two girls really had no business with their own reality show but it was 300 times more entertaining that “Gallery Girls.”  

The bottom line on this post is that I will pretty much watch anything, but this show is horrible and boring. Bravo, you are usually my go to channel and I waste more time watching your shows but if you keep running shows like this I will have no choice but to turn you off and do something with my life. You can always send your cameras to my house and I promise my show would be more interesting.